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One toolkit, many proven tools – you too can benefit from the Max Solutions Toolkit principle and improve internal processes and workflows, increase your planning accuracy and reduce your costs.
One toolkit, many proven tools – you too can benefit from the Max Solutions Toolkit principle and improve internal processes and workflows, increase your planning accuracy and reduce your costs.
It is a toolkit composed of different analytical tools that I have built for myself over the years and that have proven successful in all my assignments. The unique thing about it is that all analyses are built on each other and therefore unit to a homogenous system. My approach “from transaction to management presentation in one tool” improves the analysis and planning capabilities substantially and creates an unprecedented level of transparency. Through the “Zoom In / Zoom Out Effect” it is possible to answer management questions in real time. In addition to this, precise target setting, and measurement becomes possible. Every tool on its own adds value and covers a sub process but when combined a “Unified Data Model” is created that can create transactional level transparency around all Actuals, Targets and Budgets